WHEREAS, the State of West Virginia has gone through substantial political changes over the past several years;
WHEREAS, from the time of the Great Depression through the 1990’s, the politics of West Virginia were largely dominated by the Democratic Party;
WHEREAS, in the 2014 elections, the Republican Party took control of the state legislature for the first time in 80 years, and it took one of West Virginia’s two US Senate seats and all three US House of Representatives seats;
WHEREAS, in the 2016 elections, Republicans held on to their seats and made gains in the State Senate and gained three statewide offices;
WHEREAS, in 2020, Republicans made more gains by electing Republicans to all positions of the West Virginia Board of Public Works;
WHEREAS, in 2022, Republicans made even more gains in both the State Senate and House of Delegates, expanding their super majority; and
WHEREAS, the people of the State of West Virginia have entrusted the Republican Party by electing Republicans across the state and by demonstrating their support by making the Republican Party the majority party in West Virginia by voter registration.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that with the passage of this resolution, we urge Republican elected officials to advance the Republican Party platform whenever possible to continue the prosperity of the citizens of West Virginia, who so richly deserve continued improvements;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we urge the Governor of the State of West Virginia to appoint capable and qualified Republicans to boards, commissions, and vacancies that might occur in the judiciary around the state, which will strengthen the conservative and forward-thinking values that the citizens of West Virginia have embraced by their votes, as well as creating new leaders for our future; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman of this Committee is authorized and empowered to disseminate this Resolution to the Governor, Speaker of the House, Senate President, the Monongalia County Commission, and members of the State Senate and House of Delegates elected from Monongalia County.
Adopted by the Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee on the 10th day of January 2023.
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