WHEREAS, the Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee is duly elected and appointed to carry out statutory responsibilities and to convey a vision for what Republicans want from government locally; and
WHEREAS, the Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee previously developed a local platform with community input to reflect desires and goals that was officially adopted in December 2020; and
WHEREAS, the present local Monongalia County GOP platform supports the addition of more magistrates to provide swift and equitable justice for all county residents; and
WHEREAS, magistrate court is the foundation of our court system and the Monongalia County Magistrate Court has repeatedly shown a documented higher than average caseload in recent years; and
WHEREAS, the Monongalia County Magistrate Court and Monongalia County Commission have stated a need for more help and immediate relief by legislative action to add a fifth magistrate judge by July 1; and
WHERAS, adding an additional magistrate judge would create greater court efficiency to schedule cases by an estimated twenty percent (20%) as stated publicly by local court officials; and
WHEREAS, more efficient scheduling can allow for more effective judicial recourse by enabling plaintiffs and defendants with more time in court to present evidence before a magistrate judge; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee calls for the West Virginia House of Delegates and the West Virginia Senate to grant immediate relief to the Monongalia County Magistrate Court; and
BE IT FINALLY RESVOLVED, MCREC Chair Ethan Moore shall convey this resolution to the Speaker of the West Virginia House of Delegates, the Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, the Chair of the House Finance Committee, the President of the West Virginia Senate, the Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Chair of the Senate Finance Committee, the Governor of the State of West Virginia, the Clerk of the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals, the Monongalia County Commission, and the Clerk of the Monongalia County Magistrate Court.
Adopted by the Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee on the 15th day of February 2023.