The Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee (MCREC) is comprised of up to 24 members (elected and appointed). Each Executive District in Monongalia County can have (1) male and (1) female representative for a total of (2) representatives each, there are twelve Executive Districts in Monongalia County. The representatives must reside in the Executive District they represent and be a registered Republican. Currently there are a number of vacancies on the Committee.
District Representatives are elected by the Republican voters of Monongalia County in the primary during non-presidential election years. Vacancies that occur on the Committee can be filled by the Committee by majority vote.
The process established by the Committee for filling vacancies that occur is:
Interested Republican must complete and submit to the Committee Secretary the form titled “MCREC Vacancy Appointment Form.” This form can be accessed via the MCREC website, Facebook, or by requesting it from the Secretary. The form must be completed in full and returned either via email or US mail to the Secretary. Alternatively, a person can complete the online volunteer form and select "Willing to Fill a Female/Male Vacancy."
MCREC Secretary will verify the information and confirm the applicant’s eligibility to serve on the Committee.
Applicant will “interview” with the officers of the MCREC (either in person or via videoconference.)
The officers of MCREC will discuss, and if they reach a unanimous decision to do so, will recommend to the full Committee at the next Regular Meeting of the Committee, to appoint the applicant to serve on the Committee.
The full MCREC will vote and if a majority of its current members vote to appoint the applicant, the applicant will be appointed to serve the unexpired term as Executive District Representative.

Beginning at the December 2022 meeting, applications will be considered to fill outstanding executive committee vacancies for the present term, including:
District 1 Female
District 2 Female
District 3 Female
District 5 Female & Male
District 6 Female
District 5 Female & Male
District 8 Female & Male
District 10 Female
District 12 Female
If you have questions about any openings and your potential capacity to serve based on residence or commitments, please contact us.