Interested individuals must submit a resume and cover letter to the Monongalia Republican Executive Committee Chair or the West Virginia Republican Party. Resumes must be received by Noon on Thursday January 7th, 2016. Please include contact information where you can be reached IMMEDIATELY by phone or text.
The information should be sent via email to Chairman of the Monongalia Republican Executive Committee, Gina Brown, at ginabrown@pacbell.net or the WVGOP at jordan.burgess@wvgop.org, regular mail to P.O. Box 2711, Charleston WV 25305 or fax to 304-768-6083.
Individuals will be contacted about interview times on the afternoon ofThursday January 7th, 2016. Interviews will be conducted on Friday, January 8th, 2016 at the Airport Safety Building conference room next door to the Airport (82 Hart Field Road, Morgantown, WV 26505), and the Committee will vote on those nominees after completion of interviews that day.
Individuals must meet all regular qualifications to serve in the House of Delegates as described in Article 6 of the West Virginia Constitution and West Virginia Code §1-2-1. Qualified individuals must reside in House District 51 in Monongalia County and must have been eligible to run for the position as a Republican in the 2014 election.
West Virginia Delegate Amanda Pasdon (R-Monongalia) announced her resignation from one of the seats in the 51st Delegate District. The Monongalia County Republican Executive Committee convened and has announced the process for filling the vacancy. As per state law, the Committee must submit three eligible Republican citizens to the Governor who will then select the replacement from those names.
For more information, please contact Jordan Burgess at the West Virginia Republican Party by calling 304-768-0493.